Collection: Mexican Rag Dolls

We are going to Amealco de Bonfil, Querétaro, there is an Otomí village, where the creation of the Dönxu doll or Lele which means Baby, began. Not having enough money for toys, the mothers of that region used to create rag dolls made in their image for their girls to play. These creations were more rustic in the past. However; in order to improve their resources for their families, these women used their inspiration, creativity and their own hands to sew beautiful dolls now with articulated bodies and dressed in bright beautiful colors. Previously these dolls had only a sash like the Otomi mothers, currently they are made with cambaya, lace, pleated skirts, beautiful embroidery and bright colors, also they added a multicolored ribbons crown and two beautifully crafted braids. In addition to their, inspiration and creativity, the Otomi mothers have left a little piece of their heart in each one of these dolls.
Mexican Rag Dolls